by Patti Carey | Dec 29, 2022 | News & Events
If you’ve ever gotten cocky about what a hip 55-year-old you are, may I suggest a happy hour with your twenty-something nieces and their group of friends –all of whom you’ve known since birth– and getting roasted about your texting skills? Or...
by Patti Carey | Dec 15, 2022 | News & Events
Almost everyone has worked with a Joe. [Apologies to all of the Joes I know. What can I say? That’s the name of the guy in the meme.] I’ve worked with Joe. I have clients who are struggling with Joe. I have been a part of root cause investigations in which...
by Patti Carey | Nov 29, 2022 | News & Events
Safety eLearning business seeks a special client or two … I’ve never participated in online dating. I tried it once, lasting quite literally 16 hours with a trial membership and a profile carefully crafted with one or two dear friends. (You know who you are.) It was...
by Patti Carey | Nov 7, 2022 | News & Events
Dammit, Jim, I’m a safety trainer, not a LMS guru! There’s no one better to give the average human the low-down on LMS than a woman who struggles to operate her iPhone. (I exaggerate a bit, but no one in my inner circle accuses me of being on the cutting...
by Patti Carey | May 9, 2022 | News & Events
A few years ago, I discovered the joy of audiobooks. I have always been a pretty voracious reader, but got caught up in how “busy” life felt and sitting quietly with a book screamed Overly Indulgent. (Yes, I’m working on it.) But as someone who drives and travels for...