“The solution is safety training” and other lies we tell ourselves
I've been in the safety consulting and training biz for a staggering twenty-five years now, despite having the flawless, smooth skin of a thirtysomething. It would be impossible for me to count the number of times clients and prospective clients have approached me to...
Endurance and Entrepreneurship: Strange Synchronicity
My day gig is Safety Dilemma Fixer and eLearning Creator and business owner. But in my carved-out time, I'm an endurance rider, someone who rides horses dubiously fast and far. (I've been doing both for roughly a quarter of a century, which makes me a bit of a...
Brevity and Safety Training: Bumper Stickers or Building Watches?
Safety training has a PR problem. Rarely do you hear a worker who is enthused about scheduled safety training, either before or after attending. Why do you suppose that is? There are researchers who study how adults learn, what they like, what they don't and what...
Um, hooray? My business is officially woman-owned!
I was blessed to have been raised by a father who insisted that I could do whatever I wanted to do if I worked hard enough. Ride a bike, buy a horse, road trip to Florida with my best friend in an unreliable 1978 Pontiac Sunbird, work my way through an Ivy League...
Letting Go Lessons from Hummingbirds and Hazmat Response
This weekend we had a hummingbird crisis. One flew into our barn, which is large and has high ceilings, and could not find her way out. She flew furiously along the very highest levels of the ceiling, darting here and there as hummingbirds do. My heart raced in worry....
A Near Brush with Fame / Interview Where We Laugh A Lot (and talk safety)
If you have been waiting anxiously for a screenshot up my nostrils, you're welcome. About a month ago, I agreed to be interviewed on a safety podcast. I was in Buffalo, staying with a friend who had good WiFi, so I showed up with wet hair from my shower, in a...
Messy Lessons from Entrepreneurship
It's Small Business Week this week. Last month was the seven-year anniversary of incorporating PCS Custom Training Solutions LLC. If you are curious about the PCS origin story, it's here:...
The Contractor Safety Conundrum
A couple of weeks back, I wrote about the pros and cons of safety eLearning and my thoughts on "when the juice is worth the squeeze." I mentioned I'd save one specific potential eLearning audience for my next blog. So here we are. Most of the safety...
Safety eLearning — When is the juice worth the squeeze?
[Frivolous Note: The "juice worth the squeeze" line is one of my favorite stolen phrases. I want to give credit to my safety colleague and friend, Sue Abernethy, but I also have heard it belted out in a Lizzo song, so the source remains unclear officially. It also...
Generational Intelligence – A Reality Check
If you've ever gotten cocky about what a hip 55-year-old you are, may I suggest a happy hour with your twenty-something nieces and their group of friends --all of whom you've known since birth-- and getting roasted about your texting skills? Or epic lack thereof....